Residential – Year 5 children go to Caythorpe Court, which is a PGL centre in Lincolnshire, early in the summer term. They usually go for 2 ½ days, but parents have the option of extending this to 3 full days. The children can choose from a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities including: archery, aero ball, fencing, rifle shooting, quad biking, raft building, kayaking, trapeze, giant swing, zip wire and high ropes. The children take part in 4 activities a day, led by qualified PGL staff. Use of all safety equipment is included in the cost of the residential. Accommodation is on site and children sleep in rooms of between 4 and 8 children.
The children really enjoy the opportunity to be outdoors all day, trying new activities and pushing themselves to achieve something they didn’t think they could. There are a few nerves and lots of proud, smiling faces on this trip.
Bikeability – how to ride a bicycle safely on our roads, links to Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).
Easter Production – During the year each year group has the opportunity to put on a performance. Year 5 are responsible for leading the celebration of Easter at the end of the spring term at St Peter’s church. The performance is usually put on twice during this week, once for the school to watch and once for friends and family. Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar. It celebrates the resurrection from the dead of Jesus, three days after he was executed. The Easter story is at the heart of Christianity.
The children audition for singing and speaking parts, which include acting roles and readings from the Bible. Everyone is involved in the final performance.
Caythorpe Residential 2024
William de Yaxley Church of England Academy
T: 01733 240323
Office Administrator – Mrs L Underwood
School Address:
Landsdowne Road
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